Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Some Good News

This appointment turned out to be more informative than we thought it would be. We met with the radiologist Dr. Chronowski this morning. (even though he is listed as an Oncology radiologist, Dr C is part of L's team of drs that we meet with, doesn't mean necessarily L is having radiology) We talked for a minute then Dr C said he was going to feel down L's throat, to the base of his tongue to check the tumor. I had to step out of the room until they were finished, because the doctor's fist down my husband's throat seems to make him choke and make awful choking noises that set off a gagging reflex with me. It wouldn't be too pretty if I started throwing up in the dr's office especially when I'm not the patient! Think about it..............Yikes!!! Dr. C said it would be about 30 seconds and then he would come get me. I don't think it was even that long, because I was trying to escape to the waiting room & didn't even get 1/4 of the way down the hall, when I was called back. L said it wasn't too bad. Anyway, Dr. C said he didn't feel anything at the base of L's tongue where the tumor was. Really??? Could that be true? Well now he's going to scope him to take a looksy at it. (I like this procedure, it's very cool watching by way of camera through someone else's nose down to the throat and voice box). When the camera got to the base of his tongue where I saw the tumor 2 months ago, what I saw was a slightly darker, small outline of a circle. Dr. C said, it's gone. Being the all inquisitive person that I am, I asked "how do you know that it's gone? Beside the fact that you are an expert and have seen this stuff for years, tell me how I know it's gone just by looking at it". He explained very patiently that 2 months ago we saw a pink hard knot and that's also what he felt. It was probably about pea size. There was an obvious texture difference, feeling and seeing. Now looking at it, it's not pink and no knot, the area where it had been is actually a hollow spot.
Still, when I look at the area, I can't see that it's all gone. That's why he gets the big bucks and I just get a pat on the back. Lol
So, this is good news for a change! The chemo worked well on the original tumor and the ones in his neck. After L's next infusion, maybe as early as 2 weeks after, the dr will order a pet scan to be done. I can't wait to see what that will show. Dr C seems to be somewhat positive about how well the chemo might have worked on the other tumors, I think they still don't believe it will all go away, but, you never know.

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