Friday, April 06, 2012

What a Difference A Week Makes

WOW... Really. What a difference in my husband this past week!! The turn around started on Sunday, April Fool's Day, when our son in law was coming over to mow our yard. L got up and started the lawnmower to get the yard going. He was zipping around the yard on the mower with a mask on his face to keep the germs out. WTH?? I walked out, hands on hips, with my stern bossy face. (I had to try to be scary! lol probably wasn't)....."what are you doing?? "SIL is on his way over to mow, why are you out here?"

He just wanted to do something, was starting to get antsy in the house. "I'm sure this is true but just last night you could hardly walk to bed, you were so weak and really, you don't need to be doing this because SIL is on his way. In fact, there he is now".

Men!! My husband is so funny when it comes to HIS yard and his precious new lawnmower. He has one of those Zero turn mowers, Cub Cadet RZT Pro and is very proud of it! And truthfully, he has every right to be. It's pretty sweet, for a lawnmower. Anyway, he got off, let SIL get on and finish mowing our 2 acres.

Don't get me wrong, I'm relieved that he's feeling better, just worried. There's not a rule or play book about how to treat your husband when he's going through chemo and one week he's weak/hurting, then all of a sudden he's feeling better. It's like magic, someone just waved their magic wand and POOF he's got energy and feels great!

For the rest of the week it was pretty much the same. He went to work every day......all day.

Oh, the first day I was bossy and told him to only go a half a day. I didn't want him to overdo it and then be home the rest of the week. I'm still thinking back a little over a week ago when he did that. Went to work, wore himself out and was home feeling bad, & guessed it.....the rest of the week. I think that was even before his chemo started, so now it could be worse. Well, he didn't listen to me and got home at 4:30, just in time to watch his new favorite afternoon show, Jeopordy. Haha....I can answer about three or four questions and that's it. Guess not everyone can be a Jeopardy geek. Despite working all day, he felt good and each day felt better.

One thing different is his appetite. He's hungry all the time and is really liking sweets. He's not usually a sweets kinda guy. He's liked them once in a while, but now, jeez!!! He is craving sweets. I'm trying to give him good foods to eat and he's liking the junk foods. We have totally switched places in that department. It's kinda funny, because he usually did the grocery shopping, because I hate it! I never can decide what to cook or what to go with it, so I let him start doing it a long time ago. I would always have to tell him to get some "good stuff" from the store and he would say, define good stuff. You know, chips, cookies, pizza, ice cream....good stuff. He never liked buying that, but did it for me. Isn't that sweet? So now, I'm back to doing the shopping & trying to feed him "good stuff" but it's not the same kind of "good stuff" as I meant before.

Now my good stuff is healthy, nutritious foods. I've started juicing and making smoothies. Let me tell you, juicing is the best stuff!! I have been drinking them myself (I can't give my husband something that I haven't tried first, right?) and I've been finding myself with so much energy after a glass. I've even started craving a juice drink every morning.

Carrot juice seems to be the king daddy of juices.
• no other vegetable contains as much beta-carotene as carrots. In our body, beta-carotene is converted into Vitamin A, which assists in improving our eyesight and the functioning of our immune system, strengthening our bones and teeth, preventing possible problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland.
• Vitamin A also has positive effects on our hair, nails and skin.
• Vitamin A is associated with good cleansing effects: it can clean our liver from fat and other unnecessary elements.
However, for receiving max results for the liver, it is necessary to drink carrot juice on a regular basis.

Beet root and it's green leaves juiced is really great for you as well, and wonderful for cancer patients but I've read that you shouldn't drink that everyday. Beet root juice has some side effects also:
1. Beets have a powerful cleansing effect on the body. The Cancer Nutrition Center warns that large amounts of undiluted beet juice may dump toxins into the liver in such large amounts that the liver cannot process them efficiently.
2. The Cancer Nutrition Center notes that temporary loss of their vocal cords may occur after drinking beet juice. The Center suggests this effect can avoided by using only organic beets and combining beet juice with other juices, such as carrot and celery.
3. The Cancer Nutrition Center urges moderation in drinking beet juice because of its strong effect the lower digestive tract. Beet juice is also not recommended for people who suffer from kidney stones, peptic ulcer or duodenum disease.
The benefits of beet root juice are so numerous that the good out weigh the bad.
• Drinking beet juice has been shown to increase blood flow to the brain in older people, that suggests the dark red vegetable may fight the progression of dementia.
• There have been several very high-profile studies showing that drinking beet juice can lower blood pressure
• Beets have been found to increase the body`s production of glutathione, which helps the body detoxify cancer-causing poisons.

Before any of you start juicing, do your own research on fruits and vegetables to fit your own lifestyle.
My favorite is carrot, beet, green apple, spinach and lemon. I juice the whole lemon, peel and all. So, when I make one for me, I make the hubs drink one too. He's not crazy about it, he'd prefer the smoothies, I guess because they're like "pretend milkshakes." But, he knows better than to fight me on it. I research this stuff night and day to learn as much as I can about beating this disease.

I told him today exactly why he needs to start drinking juice everyday especially during his chemo. I think for once, he actually listened & heard me.
This is what I said:
1. The juice requires hardly any digestion, so all its nutritional goodness gets rapidly into your system. It's not using up any of your energy to digest food.
2. When you juice, you use more fruits and vegetables than you could actually eat and in my case, the vegetables that I WOULD NEVER eat. As a result, you are drinking a densely packed amount of vitamins, minerals and other plant-based nutrients.
3. Liver detoxification
I actually could have gone on, but I think he got my message.
I'm trying to help him beat this beast that has invaded his body with whatever it takes. Just wait till I try talking him into enemas!! Wanna take bets on how that will go?

I hope all of y'all have a great Easter!

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