Thursday, May 10, 2012

Getting into the Routine~3rd Treatment

L's third and final infusion of this cycle went well without a hiccup. They shot him up with two of the drugs and sent him home with the pump full of the third drug I think he's getting the hang of all the processes. After 4 days the pump was removed, then exactly 24 hours later he got his shot of Neulasta. It seems that he is suppose to get that shot after each infusion, but for some reason didn't after treatment number two. Not sure why, I think they just forgot to schedule it. I know for sure he was suppose to get it, so oooops!
L's getting along much better each time, no nausea or any major problems, but this time his tasters are giving him a metallic flavor in his mouth. That doesn't work well with the meals I cook and he still won't eat his vegetables. He's loving any kind of cookie, so I'm bribing him with that to drink the juice I'm making from veggies and fruits. "Whatever works" is my motto!! Mother's Day is this weekend, so I would like to wish all if my "mother" friends a Very, Happy Mother's Day. Love to all of you!!

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