Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Mac & Cheese

Great week so far!!    Beautiful weather (after the stormy Monday), it's been fairly cool during the day....no humidity which is wonderful!!  L felt good enough to go to work on Monday, all of the ladies loved his shaved head.  lol  But, he's still grouchy and I can't get him to eat his vegetables. 
This is totally a first for the books.......he always loves his veggies.  I found myself telling him what he used to tell the kids,  "eat your vegetables, they are good for you".  I used to laugh at him when he told the girls that, saying "oh that will definetly work to get them to eat their vegetables!......really dear?  Do you really think that is going to make them eat? hahahahaha"  It never worked, they just looked at him like he was crazy and thought, who cares if it's good for me, I'd rather eat my Mac & Cheese.  So here I am years later, saying the same thing to him and what does he ask for last night????   Mac & Cheese.
By Moday evening his tasters were starting to go numb again, so I had to go heavy on the spices.  All he wants to eat is junk food!!  This is seriously not good for his health, so I'm going to start juicing more and MAKE him drink them.  And it's back to the smoothies again, whether he likes it or not!
I did however try to make a healthier meal tonight.  I made spaghetti and meatballs, with toast.  Now before you go thinking that's not so healthy, let me tell you what I made it with.  I used whole wheat noodles, better than regular pasta, it's lighter in the carbs and sugar. I bought the HEB brand and it's was wonderful to cook with, delicious and cheaper!!  Ground Chicken, turkey and small amount of beef  mixed together and spiced the heck out of it. The meatballs were excellent, actually the whole meal was pretty good.  The toast was oatmeal bread, again low in carbs and sugar.  It's more important for me to watch his carbs & sugar than the fat content, but this meal wasn't really fattening anyway and was really very good.

Today, he went in just for the pump removal, but they surprised him with another injection. This is a medicine called **Zoledronic acid (Zometa.) The injection lasted at least 15 minutes and he was on his way.

**Zoledronic acid (Zometa) is in a class of medications called bisphosphonates. It works by slowing bone breakdown, increasing bone density (thickness), and decreasing the amount of calcium released from the bones into the blood. Zometa is used along with cancer chemotherapy to treat bone damage caused by multiple myeloma [cancer that begins in the plasma cells (white blood cells that produce substances needed to fight infection)] or by cancer that began in another part of the body but has spread to the bones. Zometa is not cancer chemotherapy, and it will not slow or stop the spread of cancer. However, it can be used to treat bone disease in patients who have cancer.

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