Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wed. Dr J Appointment

Today's the day to have Hubbs lab work done, a complete CBC and then visit Dr. J which I was going to meet L for. His lab appt was at 1:45 and would see dr at 2:20pm. I arrived at the medical building at 2:05. Yes, on my own, I was even a little early.

L was walking out of the building when I was walking in. WTH?? You're finished? No way!! Yes, he was. So needless to say, my early was not good enough and I didn't get to ask my questions....... I know Hubbs forgot to.
Anyway, he got his blood work done, weighed, blood pressure etc. he gained 5 lbs. since his last visit, I think it was 2 weeks ago. Woo hoo that's wonderful news!!! He's looking so much better than the last couple of weeks. He has color back in his face, doesn't look so sickly. Guess cause he's not so sickly right now. His knotty neck has gone down a great deal and it's not hurting him anymore unless he turns his head really far to the right, so I told him not to. After the nurses got through taking all of the blood they needed, L left the lab and went into the exam room to wait.

Dr. J was roaming the hallway, obviously looking for something to do, so he saw L a whole 20 min before appointment time. Can they do that?? I always thought it was in their rule book that they must keep patients waiting no less than 30 minutes.

Hubbs said the entire visit lasted about three minutes. He didn't ask any of the questions that I had prepared for him. Dr said he looked great, everything sounded wonderful and he will see L back in 3 weeks. Dr did mention that after these next two rounds of chemo, they would get a PET scan done, see how much the tumours have shrunk (hopefully) and then after that, they will do something else........ Ok.... L, "what is something else?" He doesn't know and didn't ask.
MEN!! Seriously, I don't know how they can make it through the day? So much for anymore info.

I'm hoping his CBC report will be online tomorrow so I can see how his white blood cells are doing. I really need to know something, if they are too low, then I'll have to change meals around and practically sterilize the house and dogs. Here's hoping for a good lab report. He doesn't look bad and has good energy, so let's keep our fingers crossed for good numbers!!

Thank you for all the prayers for L and I. I can tell they are working!!

Sending Love and light to all....

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