Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Some Good News

This appointment turned out to be more informative than we thought it would be. We met with the radiologist Dr. Chronowski this morning. (even though he is listed as an Oncology radiologist, Dr C is part of L's team of drs that we meet with, doesn't mean necessarily L is having radiology) We talked for a minute then Dr C said he was going to feel down L's throat, to the base of his tongue to check the tumor. I had to step out of the room until they were finished, because the doctor's fist down my husband's throat seems to make him choke and make awful choking noises that set off a gagging reflex with me. It wouldn't be too pretty if I started throwing up in the dr's office especially when I'm not the patient! Think about it..............Yikes!!! Dr. C said it would be about 30 seconds and then he would come get me. I don't think it was even that long, because I was trying to escape to the waiting room & didn't even get 1/4 of the way down the hall, when I was called back. L said it wasn't too bad. Anyway, Dr. C said he didn't feel anything at the base of L's tongue where the tumor was. Really??? Could that be true? Well now he's going to scope him to take a looksy at it. (I like this procedure, it's very cool watching by way of camera through someone else's nose down to the throat and voice box). When the camera got to the base of his tongue where I saw the tumor 2 months ago, what I saw was a slightly darker, small outline of a circle. Dr. C said, it's gone. Being the all inquisitive person that I am, I asked "how do you know that it's gone? Beside the fact that you are an expert and have seen this stuff for years, tell me how I know it's gone just by looking at it". He explained very patiently that 2 months ago we saw a pink hard knot and that's also what he felt. It was probably about pea size. There was an obvious texture difference, feeling and seeing. Now looking at it, it's not pink and no knot, the area where it had been is actually a hollow spot.
Still, when I look at the area, I can't see that it's all gone. That's why he gets the big bucks and I just get a pat on the back. Lol
So, this is good news for a change! The chemo worked well on the original tumor and the ones in his neck. After L's next infusion, maybe as early as 2 weeks after, the dr will order a pet scan to be done. I can't wait to see what that will show. Dr C seems to be somewhat positive about how well the chemo might have worked on the other tumors, I think they still don't believe it will all go away, but, you never know.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


LD came home early from work yesterday with serious chills. He was pale and shivering even though it was 80+ degrees outside. He put his heavy camo jammies on and I found one of my big pullover winter hoodies from our softball days. I fixed him some hot orange/spicy tea and added some chamomile to it to help warm him up from the inside. He was all covered up with 2 blankets and fell asleep in his recliner. Checking for side affects from the chemo drugs, I read that Zometa is probably the cause of this one. What I read said that they didn't last long and usually only happens with the first treatment. After his nap, he still had chills and now felt a little achey, I made him some freshly juiced carrot/apple/lemon juice and told him to drink up! Apples are always my go to fruit when one of us is feeling bad. Next I fixed my newest find.......organic soup in a box. Pacific Brand Organic Butternut Squash Bisque with hints of nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger. Sounds delicious and it really is!! I've picked up several different flavors at HEB lately, they're very handy to have in the pantry. Classic fresh organic carrot, roasted garlic and ginger soup with coconut milk, cashews and spices. This one has a bit too much ginger spice for me and might not be appealing to everyone but L liked it. Tomato bisque is my new favorite soup now, it's wonderful on a rainy day with a grilled cheese sandwich. Back to the sick boy, about 3:00 am he started feeling better. It was all of my TLC.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Mac & Cheese

Great week so far!!    Beautiful weather (after the stormy Monday), it's been fairly cool during the day....no humidity which is wonderful!!  L felt good enough to go to work on Monday, all of the ladies loved his shaved head.  lol  But, he's still grouchy and I can't get him to eat his vegetables. 
This is totally a first for the books.......he always loves his veggies.  I found myself telling him what he used to tell the kids,  "eat your vegetables, they are good for you".  I used to laugh at him when he told the girls that, saying "oh that will definetly work to get them to eat their vegetables!......really dear?  Do you really think that is going to make them eat? hahahahaha"  It never worked, they just looked at him like he was crazy and thought, who cares if it's good for me, I'd rather eat my Mac & Cheese.  So here I am years later, saying the same thing to him and what does he ask for last night????   Mac & Cheese.
By Moday evening his tasters were starting to go numb again, so I had to go heavy on the spices.  All he wants to eat is junk food!!  This is seriously not good for his health, so I'm going to start juicing more and MAKE him drink them.  And it's back to the smoothies again, whether he likes it or not!
I did however try to make a healthier meal tonight.  I made spaghetti and meatballs, with toast.  Now before you go thinking that's not so healthy, let me tell you what I made it with.  I used whole wheat noodles, better than regular pasta, it's lighter in the carbs and sugar. I bought the HEB brand and it's was wonderful to cook with, delicious and cheaper!!  Ground Chicken, turkey and small amount of beef  mixed together and spiced the heck out of it. The meatballs were excellent, actually the whole meal was pretty good.  The toast was oatmeal bread, again low in carbs and sugar.  It's more important for me to watch his carbs & sugar than the fat content, but this meal wasn't really fattening anyway and was really very good.

Today, he went in just for the pump removal, but they surprised him with another injection. This is a medicine called **Zoledronic acid (Zometa.) The injection lasted at least 15 minutes and he was on his way.

**Zoledronic acid (Zometa) is in a class of medications called bisphosphonates. It works by slowing bone breakdown, increasing bone density (thickness), and decreasing the amount of calcium released from the bones into the blood. Zometa is used along with cancer chemotherapy to treat bone damage caused by multiple myeloma [cancer that begins in the plasma cells (white blood cells that produce substances needed to fight infection)] or by cancer that began in another part of the body but has spread to the bones. Zometa is not cancer chemotherapy, and it will not slow or stop the spread of cancer. However, it can be used to treat bone disease in patients who have cancer.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Infusion.....Treatment 2

This time Hubbs appointment was pretty much uneventful. He arrived at 9:30, was given his pre-hydration of fluid through his port before the *Cisplatin to keep his kidneys working normally and will get the same after the Cisplatin bag is finished. Docetaxel was the next drug that was given and then he was out by 4:00pm.  He slept most of the day and when he wasn't napping he watched a little tv....Such a life, although I'm sure he would rather be somewhere else.  At least they try to make you comfortable while you're there. 

Doctors sent him home with his little fanny pack pump of  *5-Fluorouracil  (flure oh yoor' a sill) that he will wear until Tuesday.  It's a small, portable pump that allows a controlled amount of the drug to be pumped into his bloodstream over a set period of time. The pump is small enough to be carried in a belt or holster.

Not starting out in pain before a chemo treatment is probably the key this time to feeling better for L.  Last time his chest was hurting from the port surgery and his neck was hurting from the tumor.  He's not used to pain medicine and the way they affected him, so he was pretty much was miserable. This time however, he's feeling better but extremely grouchy. 
I did shave his head on Saturday, since the hair was pretty much falling out in patches now.  He looks pretty good with a bald head.  I think it looks better than the hair, one daughter disagrees with me.  lol 
I like it!

Have a great week!
Love to all.........

*Cisplatin and 5FU chemotherapy can reduce the number of white blood cells, which help to fight infection. White blood cells are produced by the bone marrow. If the number of white cells is low you will be more prone to infections. A low white cell count is called neutropenia. This begins 5-7 days after treatment and your resistance to infection is usually at its lowest 7-10 days after chemotherapy. The number of white blood cells will then increase steadily and usually return to normal before your next cycle of chemotherapy is due.

I HAVE to add this bit of info:
Contrary to some belief,
house plants and flowers DO NOT present a problem with the chemo patient.  They don't have to be removed from the house when patient is taking chemo.  Also fresh,  raw vegetables and fruits may be eaten during chemo, they are not a danger to the patient.  Just wash them good! 
Unless the person in question is a transplant patient (bone marrow, heart, liver etc.) and their immune system is extremely deficient, these minor things are not relevant.  This information came from Dr. J.
You still need to keep someone that is sick away from the chemo patient, pretty much all of the time they are being treated.  And definetly wash, wash, wash your hands all of the time and dry them with disposable paper towels.  Don't forget to use anti-bacterial disposable wipes to clean counter tops, toilet seats, toilet handles, door knobs, telephones, remotes, sinks and it's knobs, trash cans.......I could go on, but you get the idea.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lab Reports & Hair

My husband's CBC shows his white blood count to be 10.8 which is in the normal range. I am a little concerned though, the last WBC was very high....25. So yes, it's come down to normal range, but does that mean if it had been in normal range last time, that it would be really low this time because of those nasty drugs killing everything inside him?? Anybody? Is it dropping as we speak? I would LOVE some feedback. :))

His hair has started falling out. It started at the end of last week, I forgot to mention it. L was complaining of pain on his scalp when it started, like a serious burning rash. He insisted that I check his head but I found nothing there and it hurt him when I touched his hair.
I told him that it was probably his hair follicles dying from the chemo meds. I googled to see if there was anything topical for the pain and came up with nada. The only thing that has stopped other cancer patients pain is to shave their heads. I read also that some people had the same pain when their hair started growing back. This week Hubbs whiskers are falling out, but his pain has gone away. Thank goodness! I hate to see him in pain and he's such a baby! Lol

Tomorrow he goes in for his second round of chemo. It'll be the same as last time, all day infusion of Docetaxel & Cisplatin, then he'll wear the pump with 5-Fluorouracil for 4 more days.
5 days of full dose TPF.

I will say that I'm glad this go round he is starting off feeling a heck of a lot better than his first round. Maybe it won't kick his a$$ as bad. Here's hoping.
Light and love to all. Nightie night

Jesus Calling

From my Jesus Calling app on my iPhone........

The one daily devotional that has inspired me the most lately is this one so I really wanted to share with all of you!

Bring Me the sacrifice of thanksgiving. Take nothing for granted, not even the rising of the sun. Before Satan tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden, thankfulness was as natural as breathing.
Satan’s temptation involved pointing Eve to the one thing that was forbidden her. The garden was filled with luscious, desirable fruits, but Eve focused on the one fruit she couldn’t have rather than being thankful for the many good things freely available. This negative focus darkened her mind, and she succumbed to temptation.

When you focus on what you don’t have or on situations that displease you, your mind also becomes darkened. You take for granted life, salvation, sunshine, flowers, and countless other gifts from Me. You look for what is wrong and refuse to enjoy life until that is “fixed.”

When you approach Me with thanksgiving, the Light of My Presence pours into you, transforming you through and through. Walk in the Light with Me by practicing the discipline of thanksgiving.

This one had me smiling all day & talking nicely to my plants and flowers! :))

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wed. Dr J Appointment

Today's the day to have Hubbs lab work done, a complete CBC and then visit Dr. J which I was going to meet L for. His lab appt was at 1:45 and would see dr at 2:20pm. I arrived at the medical building at 2:05. Yes, on my own, I was even a little early.

L was walking out of the building when I was walking in. WTH?? You're finished? No way!! Yes, he was. So needless to say, my early was not good enough and I didn't get to ask my questions....... I know Hubbs forgot to.
Anyway, he got his blood work done, weighed, blood pressure etc. he gained 5 lbs. since his last visit, I think it was 2 weeks ago. Woo hoo that's wonderful news!!! He's looking so much better than the last couple of weeks. He has color back in his face, doesn't look so sickly. Guess cause he's not so sickly right now. His knotty neck has gone down a great deal and it's not hurting him anymore unless he turns his head really far to the right, so I told him not to. After the nurses got through taking all of the blood they needed, L left the lab and went into the exam room to wait.

Dr. J was roaming the hallway, obviously looking for something to do, so he saw L a whole 20 min before appointment time. Can they do that?? I always thought it was in their rule book that they must keep patients waiting no less than 30 minutes.

Hubbs said the entire visit lasted about three minutes. He didn't ask any of the questions that I had prepared for him. Dr said he looked great, everything sounded wonderful and he will see L back in 3 weeks. Dr did mention that after these next two rounds of chemo, they would get a PET scan done, see how much the tumours have shrunk (hopefully) and then after that, they will do something else........ Ok.... L, "what is something else?" He doesn't know and didn't ask.
MEN!! Seriously, I don't know how they can make it through the day? So much for anymore info.

I'm hoping his CBC report will be online tomorrow so I can see how his white blood cells are doing. I really need to know something, if they are too low, then I'll have to change meals around and practically sterilize the house and dogs. Here's hoping for a good lab report. He doesn't look bad and has good energy, so let's keep our fingers crossed for good numbers!!

Thank you for all the prayers for L and I. I can tell they are working!!

Sending Love and light to all....

Monday, April 09, 2012

Tasters Out of Whack!

It's been another good week for my husband. He's eating well, still has that sweet tooth going but his taste buds have changed. I can totally see it, but he doesn't seem to. I fixed a wonderful tasting meal right before his chemo started......it was sautéed garlic in olive oil, seasoned with fresh basil, (I added chicken also) take it from the heat and add cubed tomatoes and avocados to the pan, mix well till veggies are warm, then put all of it on a bed of freshly cooked angel hair pasta.
I found the recipe from my Betty Crocker's "Living with cancer" cookbook. Hubs loved, loved, loved it before chemo! I cooked it the other night and he thought it was disgusting. He kept saying that I cooked it differently. Nope, not different at all, fixed it the same way. Tastes the same as before, so delicious!!
                    It's his tasters, they're out of whack!!

Anyone ever had or heard of that side effect from chemo?

He keeps asking me to add more seasonings when I'm cooking and he's putting salt and pepper on his food. He has never used salt.
Oh well, I'll ask Dr. J on Wednesday at L's appointment. He goes in for blood work, then a chat with the doc.
Have a great week!!

Friday, April 06, 2012

What a Difference A Week Makes

WOW... Really. What a difference in my husband this past week!! The turn around started on Sunday, April Fool's Day, when our son in law was coming over to mow our yard. L got up and started the lawnmower to get the yard going. He was zipping around the yard on the mower with a mask on his face to keep the germs out. WTH?? I walked out, hands on hips, with my stern bossy face. (I had to try to be scary! lol probably wasn't)....."what are you doing?? "SIL is on his way over to mow, why are you out here?"

He just wanted to do something, was starting to get antsy in the house. "I'm sure this is true but just last night you could hardly walk to bed, you were so weak and really, you don't need to be doing this because SIL is on his way. In fact, there he is now".

Men!! My husband is so funny when it comes to HIS yard and his precious new lawnmower. He has one of those Zero turn mowers, Cub Cadet RZT Pro and is very proud of it! And truthfully, he has every right to be. It's pretty sweet, for a lawnmower. Anyway, he got off, let SIL get on and finish mowing our 2 acres.

Don't get me wrong, I'm relieved that he's feeling better, just worried. There's not a rule or play book about how to treat your husband when he's going through chemo and one week he's weak/hurting, then all of a sudden he's feeling better. It's like magic, someone just waved their magic wand and POOF he's got energy and feels great!

For the rest of the week it was pretty much the same. He went to work every day......all day.

Oh, the first day I was bossy and told him to only go a half a day. I didn't want him to overdo it and then be home the rest of the week. I'm still thinking back a little over a week ago when he did that. Went to work, wore himself out and was home feeling bad, & exhausted.....you guessed it.....the rest of the week. I think that was even before his chemo started, so now it could be worse. Well, he didn't listen to me and got home at 4:30, just in time to watch his new favorite afternoon show, Jeopordy. Haha....I can answer about three or four questions and that's it. Guess not everyone can be a Jeopardy geek. Despite working all day, he felt good and each day felt better.

One thing different is his appetite. He's hungry all the time and is really liking sweets. He's not usually a sweets kinda guy. He's liked them once in a while, but now, jeez!!! He is craving sweets. I'm trying to give him good foods to eat and he's liking the junk foods. We have totally switched places in that department. It's kinda funny, because he usually did the grocery shopping, because I hate it! I never can decide what to cook or what to go with it, so I let him start doing it a long time ago. I would always have to tell him to get some "good stuff" from the store and he would say, define good stuff. You know, chips, cookies, pizza, ice cream....good stuff. He never liked buying that, but did it for me. Isn't that sweet? So now, I'm back to doing the shopping & trying to feed him "good stuff" but it's not the same kind of "good stuff" as I meant before.

Now my good stuff is healthy, nutritious foods. I've started juicing and making smoothies. Let me tell you, juicing is the best stuff!! I have been drinking them myself (I can't give my husband something that I haven't tried first, right?) and I've been finding myself with so much energy after a glass. I've even started craving a juice drink every morning.

Carrot juice seems to be the king daddy of juices.
• no other vegetable contains as much beta-carotene as carrots. In our body, beta-carotene is converted into Vitamin A, which assists in improving our eyesight and the functioning of our immune system, strengthening our bones and teeth, preventing possible problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland.
• Vitamin A also has positive effects on our hair, nails and skin.
• Vitamin A is associated with good cleansing effects: it can clean our liver from fat and other unnecessary elements.
However, for receiving max results for the liver, it is necessary to drink carrot juice on a regular basis.

Beet root and it's green leaves juiced is really great for you as well, and wonderful for cancer patients but I've read that you shouldn't drink that everyday. Beet root juice has some side effects also:
1. Beets have a powerful cleansing effect on the body. The Cancer Nutrition Center warns that large amounts of undiluted beet juice may dump toxins into the liver in such large amounts that the liver cannot process them efficiently.
2. The Cancer Nutrition Center notes that temporary loss of their vocal cords may occur after drinking beet juice. The Center suggests this effect can avoided by using only organic beets and combining beet juice with other juices, such as carrot and celery.
3. The Cancer Nutrition Center urges moderation in drinking beet juice because of its strong effect the lower digestive tract. Beet juice is also not recommended for people who suffer from kidney stones, peptic ulcer or duodenum disease.
The benefits of beet root juice are so numerous that the good out weigh the bad.
• Drinking beet juice has been shown to increase blood flow to the brain in older people, that suggests the dark red vegetable may fight the progression of dementia.
• There have been several very high-profile studies showing that drinking beet juice can lower blood pressure
• Beets have been found to increase the body`s production of glutathione, which helps the body detoxify cancer-causing poisons.

Before any of you start juicing, do your own research on fruits and vegetables to fit your own lifestyle.
My favorite is carrot, beet, green apple, spinach and lemon. I juice the whole lemon, peel and all. So, when I make one for me, I make the hubs drink one too. He's not crazy about it, he'd prefer the smoothies, I guess because they're like "pretend milkshakes." But, he knows better than to fight me on it. I research this stuff night and day to learn as much as I can about beating this disease.

I told him today exactly why he needs to start drinking juice everyday especially during his chemo. I think for once, he actually listened & heard me.
This is what I said:
1. The juice requires hardly any digestion, so all its nutritional goodness gets rapidly into your system. It's not using up any of your energy to digest food.
2. When you juice, you use more fruits and vegetables than you could actually eat and in my case, the vegetables that I WOULD NEVER eat. As a result, you are drinking a densely packed amount of vitamins, minerals and other plant-based nutrients.
3. Liver detoxification
I actually could have gone on, but I think he got my message.
I'm trying to help him beat this beast that has invaded his body with whatever it takes. Just wait till I try talking him into enemas!! Wanna take bets on how that will go?

I hope all of y'all have a great Easter!

Monday, April 02, 2012

Thank You Friends & Family

I’m so thankful for all of you. I have so many wonderful longtime friends, online friends that I’ve become so close to over the last several years and of course the best family, who are also my friends. Everyone's thoughts, hope and prayers are what makes this horrible, nasty time in our lives easier to cope with. I really believe in the power of prayer and know that everything will be as it should be. For that I want to give a huge THANK YOU and hugs!! Also sending protective light/love and praying for GOD to bless each one of you.....my precious friends.

On aside note:
I'm looking forward to the 1940 census that has come out today and will now be on Ancestry.com! I'll have some new genealogy research to keep my mind busy.