Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Now We Wait

Now it's time to see an oncologist.
Dr.T's office was to make the appointment for us to see Dr.N
It was four or five days before we get a call with a date. We were told that Dr.N is with MD Anderson. You don't get any better than that!
Oh, remember my questions to my husband about What kind is it? How far along? Suggestions on how to get rid of it? CAN we get rid of it?.
My hubs didn't know any of the answers to my questions.......why? Because he didn't ask any questions. Why? I don't know.
So, from now on, I will have to go with him to all of his appointments if I want information.
Back to Dr.N, we arrive at his office in Katy. No where does it say MD Anderson. Getting a little suspicious, I snooped around. It's what I do..... Not necessarily proud of that nor am I ashamed. It is what it is, and works most of the time.......Guess where we are not? That's right, not MD Anderson, the number 1 cancer hospital in the world. Nope, this is not even close.....well actually we are close as far as distance because we're on the third floor. Anderson is on the 1st & 2nd floors of this building. The ladies were nice enough, but Dr.N must have been absent the day that personality and compassion were taught because he was severely lacking in those two qualities. Ok, we're here, so let's get on with it. He wants a PET Scan. It's set for 2 days later.
My research showed me that A Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan is a unique type of imaging test that helps doctors see how the organs and tissues inside your body are actually functioning.
The test involves injecting a very small dose of a radioactive glucose, called a radiotracer, into the vein of your arm. The tracer travels through the body and is absorbed by the cancer. The cancer shows up on the images as a glowing spot on the body. There is downfall to this test however, arthritis and inflammation shows up as hot spots too.

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