Thursday, February 16, 2012

What The New Year Brought Us

2012........I'm sure for most of you it's been a relatively uneventful year so far. Not for the Browns unfortunately.
I missed spending New Years Eve with my husband LD, the first time in 22 years. I made a trip to visit my mother who was in the hospital and not doing well. (that's another story i'll fill you in on later.) Arriving back home on the 3rd, I find that LD had gone to our Dr. to get his regular blood work done. All tests were perfect! Hubs had felt a knot on the right side of his neck, possibly his Lymph Nodes, right before New Years Eve. He thought it was nothing until another small one came up after his blood work visit. He went back to our Dr (we will call him Dr.D) to have it checked out. For the next 10 days, LD would be taking a very strong jantibiotics, both he and Dr.D thought the knots were an infection in the Lymph Nodes.
Ten days later.......
The knots are still there and actually have multiplied. Now Dr.D orders a CT Scan for Monday the 23rd. This was the beginning of "Waiting for results" that will become a normal routine in our life, at this time we had no clue how much. Thursday the 26th we heard from Dr.D about the scan results. The radiologist from Memorial reported that "the bumps are a mass of dead tissue, certainly and most definetly is NOT a tumor". My husband was elated at the news, I however was still worried. I'm really not sure why, maybe it was instinct, maybe thinking that it could be a mis-diagnosis or knowing that if it was dead tissue, then why the heck did it die....that couldn't be good!
Dr.1 wanted to send my husband to a surgeon, Dr.T, quite possibly to cut the mass of dead tissue out. Waiting now for Dr.D to let us know when the new appointment will be, another week goes by with no news...... Now we're in the month of February. Finally LD gets his apt with the surgeon. Dr.T said, "let's do a needle aspiration before any cutting occurs". February 15th, my husband goes for a biopsy, bless his heart, they stuck 5 very large needles in his neck of knots.

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