Friday, March 02, 2012

The PET Scan

Last night I couldn't eat a thing, my stomach was churning. I went to bed early so I wouldn't think about the appointment and know that my stomach was upset. I was asleep by 6:00pm. I can't imagine what LD was feeling like.
Here we go......L and I meet at Dr.N's office for the appointment. The time went by about as fast as a turtle in a race. Finally we go in...... Dr. no personality and no compassion pulls the images of the PET Scan out and starts explaining. I'm thinking "come on, get to the point. I got it the first time you explained it!!" He was talking so slow and bland, if it wasn't such a serious subject, I swear we could have taken a nap. Finally he gets to the bad news.
The cancer started in the throat, Dr.N says the tumor is on the voice box. Now he starts talking's the conversation:
Dr: "The cancer cells then spread to the lymph nodes on the right side of the neck, the mass that we can see sticking out under the skin. Next, there is a spot on the right shoulder,"
Dr. asks if LD has arthritis.
LD: I could have......maybe..... possibly, why do you ask?
Dr: "Uhm ok, On we go to the next spots, left hip shows two, maybe three. Now we look at the spine, two spots there and an iffy one on the liver." (Good news he says proudly,)
"I don't see any on the lungs!"
Me thinking: (Oh, that makes us feel tons better.)
Dr: "Any questions?"
Me: what is the treatment?
Dr: "Chemo.....but we we will never get it all, it's not curable. We'll get you out to talk to the nurses in a minute and set you up for treatment. We'll need to put a port in you, next week or the week after, then after that sometime, we will start the chemo."
I am dumbfounded!! My eyes start filling up with tears and the Dr smiles at me then swats me on the leg with his folder and starts to get up to leave.
Me: Wait!! Excuse me doc. I have a few more questions. What stage is it?
Dr: "Ummmm four, stage four, anything else?"
Me: Could the spots on his hips be inflammation? I ask because three weeks ago he hurt his hip pretty badly jumping down from...(dr. interrupting me)
Dr: "NO, it's cancer, I have read thousands of these reports and know what I am reading. It's cancer. Now are there any more questions? I need to get you out to the nurses"
Me: No, I have nothing else for you, Dr.N, do you L?

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