Saturday, July 14, 2012

Not Crazy about the New Google

I am so confused about the whole Google mess! I haven't been able to get on this blog because my ISP evidently is using my regular email address for a google account. Well, son of a gun, I was using that same address also. So I couldn't log into the blogger dashboard because I was already logged in, but I didn't have the dashboard on the "ISP account", and I could find where my "personal account" went. Jeez!!! I really didn't want all of this hassle!! I don't want google+, or circles or messages or Piccaso. I think Google is trying to be a facebooking social network. I want my old Google home page where I had a little bit of news, my horoscope, weather/time and my links to websites that I use often. So finally I get a page pop up that says I have two accounts and I must change my email address from my personal account. Why does my ISP get to use my personal email address for their google account for me? UGH!! So now to making up a new address....I have 9 available email accounts with my internet service. So I choose one of the unused ones and make up something for my Google account. It's been easier since then, but still a hassle.

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