Wednesday, June 06, 2012

A Good PET!

Husband and I finally met with one of the drs for his scan results. It seemed like we have been waiting forever since last Thursday!! We get in the exam room and wait another boring hour for Dr. J to show up!! Come on God, quit teasing us, please.....
First.......Mr. LD gained 6 pounds since his last visit. This is a good thing. Now for the results:
PET scan was very good! All of the nasty, evil tumors have shrunk & the nasty cancer cells are dying as I write this post. Again, as always, there are several options to go with now.
1. Stop treatments
a. cancer cells could regroup and come back stronger this time and move further around in body. Revenging cancer cells!

2. Continue same severe TPF treatment as before.
a. cancer cells will die, but so will good cells in his body at a faster pace then before.
b. Body will get weaker with this type of treatment.

3. Get more chemo, just not as severe.
a. Drugs will continue to kill cancer cells, but the new treatment won't have Cisplatin or Fluorouracil that came in the pump.
b. Carboplatin, which is Cisplatin's younger, not so strong little sister will be used and Taxotere (Docetaxel) again.
c. These Chemo drugs will still take a toll on the body, just not so bad.

You probably have a good guess at the one we chose. Yes, number 3. It's pretty obvious which one of these choices we should go with. He will start his first treatment next Monday. Wait 3 weeks as before and have the second one and then the same for the third. A few weeks later another PET will be given. We see how the drugs affected the tumors and we re-evaluate.
I feel really bad for my husband, he thought that he was finished with chemo. Forever. Bless his heart, he lives in a fantasy world where if the Drs say "this will be your last treatment, then we will re-evaluate" that that means no chemo ever again. Never mind the fact that in the beginning, the Drs said "you will probably have treatments the rest of your life."
Ohhhhh poor hubs! I think he was sadly discouraged about the visit with the dr today. Last time, when the dr said "the tumor on your tongue is gone" he was ecstatic! He was a little dismayed at me for not jumping up and down. I am just a little more realistic and know that there are 7 or 8 or even more tumors spread out in his body that are twice as dangerous. I'm not saying I wasn't happy, yes I was. That is one hurdle we let's move on to the next ones.
I think he was in denial about the metastasized tumors. All that he was focusing on was the original one on his tongue. Oh well, he is something else, that one is!!
Glad I had some good news to share. Thank you all for keeping us in your prayers!
Love and light....